Monday, August 8, 2011

7 links

Okay, so I was kinda sort of indirectly tagged in a post by Kathy......
Since this gives me an excuse to go back and look at some of the posts I've written (and probably feel really embarrassed about it, but what the hell...) I'll try it out.
Basically I'm just gonna link to seven previous blogposts of mine. Here we go:

Most popular post
According to my blog statistics, the most popular post - or at least the one viewed most times - is by far my very First Post....
Perhaps this is because no one came back to read another post after having read that one? Hmm, oh well, what can you do?!

Most beautiful post
I think I'll say this Spring post.
Come on. What is more beautiful than nature?

My most controversial post
Uuuhm, I don't really think I write very controversial things. I wish I did.
This is a very difficult one... I guess the post called To be Horrible would be the closest I have come to controversial. It's just about how I think the customer is NOT always right.
Or well, basically any of the posts I've written while I was really angry are I guess a little more controversial than the rest because they're a lot more "loud" and careless. Usually I choose my words more carefully. But really, I don't find any of my posts very controversial. Just honest. But then again, honesty itself can be pretty damned controversial.

Most helpful post
That depends. Helpful for me or helpful for a reader? But I'll go for "helpful for a reader" since every post is extremely helpful to myself. That's kinda why I write them!
Again, this is difficult. I don't write to be helpful in any way. My blog is a very selfish place for me. Probably, giving you Something to Think About is about as helpful as I get on my blog. (I promise I'm more helpful in real life...)

Surprise success post
Again I'll use the number of views - as a measure of success.
Positive Blog Post! is about eating. So I really don't understand why it's the second most viewed post. But thinking about it now... It actually does make sense. It has the word positive in the title. So anyone who won't usually read my posts because of my constant complaining and negativity might have wanted to see if I was actually able to be positive!

Post that didn't get enough attention
Well, I do think any attention at all is more than enough in this case. But since I have to pick one, Ill say this one: Running

Post I'm most proud of
I cannot really decide that right here and now. I'd have to go back and read all the posts and then spend days thinking about what there is to be proud of here. Actually I don't think I would know even then. But I'm going to take one of the first posts because I am proud of having kept going with this blog for about ten months now. I was afraid I would end up quitting right away, but I haven't done that.
The pessimistic optimist.

Yep, that was it.

Today's song: No Easy Key - Tim Christensen
Today's quote: People assume that time is a strict progression of cause to effect, but actually, it's more like a big ball of, wibbly-wobbly, timey-wimey… stuff. - The Doctor
Today's link: This was SO awesome! So so so awesome!!
Today's shot:

1 comment:

  1. 1. I'm glad to see someone else doing this 7 Links post, I think it's really inspirational to go back and look at old posts like this.
    2. Thank you for the thoughtful comment on my last post, it meant a lot to me.
    3. I love that quote :)
