Sunday, August 14, 2011


Well then.
Lovely Kathy gave me this award: 

Thank you Kathy!

As I understand it, I will be granted the authority to pass this on to five other blogs, if I tell you five things about myself.
So that's exactly what I'll do.

5 things about me

1. I have issues. Anxiety, depression, stress... All that stuff. It's a pain in the ass but I figure if I didn't have these issues I would just have other issues. All I can do is try to handle them. Do my best to work things out.
It's very important for me to be honest about this. Probably because it took me so long to accept it myself. 

2. I believe that life is what you make it. Everything is relative and nothing is for sure. I do not believe in any deity, destiny, or purpose. I might be wrong, but that is perfectly fine with me. As long as I see no indication of any "higher power"... I'm gonna continue thinking there isn't any. That's just how I see things. How I understand and experience the world. 

3. I love Harry Potter. Jo, the story, the writing, the characters, the strength, the bonding, the friendships, the community. The love and appreciation.

4. I love traveling! Not just because it lets me get away from everything, but because it provides so much perspective. How much? SO much! I wish to see every corner of the world (which is brilliant, really, 'cause I'll always have something to do and something to fight for).

5. I just lost my dad last month. The pain of this loss is torture. Indescribable.
He (it turned out!) had a large tumor in his heart. Very uncommon. He died such a short time after we found out, that we didn't even get to tell him. He almost made it to his 47th birthday.

So that's it folks. Now I get to present the award to others!

A. My wonderful friend Sheena's inspirationally honest blog.

B. This clever girl always has interesting things on her mind. It's a shame she doesn't post them more often...

C. Erin makes sure she posts once a month. She writes about all the stuff that's going on in her life. It's so cool to follow.

D. Nela's awesome blog also deserves this award. Nela let's you inside her head to her many intriguing thoughts.

E. Amanda doesn't blog anywhere near often enough. I just love the way she writes.  

Today's quote: Secrets are great, but sometimes it's even more fun to share them with people. - Kayley Hyde

Today's link: Fantastic Thoughts From Places video.

Today's shot:


  1. I am very truly sorry for your loss. My depression problems started when I lost my mom, so I know how you feel.
    Keep up your great blog work (I see some changes while I've been away:) and thank you for the award :)

  2. Yeah, I can see how an experience like that can kick off depression problems :-(
    Thank you so much, though! It's a bit horrible to think about how others sometimes go through this too. But it happens everyday.

    And you are very welcome! You deserve it :-)
