Friday, November 18, 2011


It seems people are worried about me. I get that. I mean, my dad died recently... I would worry about me too.
But seriously, I'm not doing that bad.
Yes, I'm extremely sad about loosing my dad, and I still think about him every day and dream about him basically every night. But don't forget who I am. Being quiet and withdrawn is part of my personality.
No, I'm definitely not at my best at all, but honestly... I was more depressed one year ago, before my dad died.
Now, I know my own most prominent warning signals and symptoms when it comes to depression. And yes, some of them are showing their ugly faces. But still... I have been much more worried about me than I am at the moment. And me being absent or closed is no indication of my state of well-being.

Sometimes, the worst possible thing is when people think you're unable to take care of yourself.

I'm not sure what I wanted to say with this. I think I just wanted to share my views.



  1. I definitely agree that one of the worst things a person can do is think that you're unable to take care of yourself. I get that a good bit now that I'm out of the hospital. You seem to be handling everything well though.

  2. Yeah, I can imagine. I guess people calm down eventually. I sure hope so.
    And thank you!

  3. It seems that you are doing quite well and little or no sign of depression seems to show. I would probably suspect that those who suspect you are not well are only projecting their own condition onto you rather than facing their own state. It should be expected that a sane adult will be the first to state that they are not well if they are not. A child may not necessarily be able to clarify how they are not well as it may not have the experience, but even a child who is sane does not usually need another person telling it that it is not well when it feels perfectly well. Perhaps those who go about suggesting that you are not well deserve your pity and your critical eye regarding their own health.

  4. Also I gave you an award at:
