Monday, October 3, 2011


September is over. And I did succeed at making a video every single day. I'm proud.
So really this post is just an "I'm baaaack" post. And I will now try to get back into blogging somewhat frequently. Or something.
(I'll let you in on a secret here... I had to correct that sentence. I had actually typed in 'Vlogging' instead of 'Blogging'... *Facepalm* I am obviously damaged!)
I do miss the writing and rambling and letting my mind go wherever it wants and get it all out.
But I must say, I have discovered the joy of vlogging. Even though I (as always) kind of dislike being "one of those" and being typical and predictable. But hell, I'm a human being. It's inevitable. And vlogging is also a bit more exposing than blogging, which I think is good for me!

So to sum it up... Hi again there, blog of mine! I have missed you a lot. But you are no longer my only best non-human friend. You'll have to share that title with my camera. See you soon!

Today's quote: "Where did all the anvils go??" - Lorelai Victoria Gilmore
Today's song: Where you lead I will follow - Carole King
Today's link: Where did all the anvils go?? (This show is seriously my absolute favorite EVER)
Today's shot:


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