Sunday, December 5, 2010


I love Harry Potter!
Shocking piece of information for you there...

But I actually have a point here.

Now, I have several reasons for loving Harry Potter - for example the brilliant story and plot and characters and writing. But also, I love the fiction, the Harry Potter universe. And what I want to say here also goes for other fictional universes.
I love how you create the world inside your own head. How it puts your mind to work, your imagination. And how it does not pretend to be real!
Yes you can draw parallels from the HP universe to our societies from now until the end of time (which is also one of the reasons it's so great to read and reread), but really you could draw parallels to anything. Any place or time or event or theory or religion. Whatever makes sense in your mind. And yes it's great to sometimes pretend that it is real, which I admit I often tend to do because I'm so passionate about it, but it's still very clear that it is fiction!
- I know that there are cases of people taking it seriously, with unpleasant consequences, and that some people refuse to see it as just fiction (instead believing Rowling to be preaching wicked doctrines for example), but I think the problems here are of completely different natures.

I love that the different aspects and the entire story is one thing to an 11-year-old and something else to a 24-year-old. And also perceived differently by two 24-year-olds or two 11-year-olds. (I know that each of us always have individual perceptions of everything, but I think that difference is even greater when reading fiction because there are so many completely new concepts and fewer preconceptions)

I think it is an incredible place from which to look at our own worlds and ideas - a radically different place! And I really believe that spending a little time in worlds like this can be extremely healthy. For an adult as well as a child.

Especially in contrast to the television-dominating "reality shows". So many children and teenagers grow up with these shows and I find it alarming. I also find it alarming how popular they seem to be among adults - but feeding it to young people everyday seems very very disturbing to me!
I really do think it is dangerous, because the shows are presented as reality and thereby are indicated to be portraying the "norm" which is NOT the case.
Shutting yourself in a house - or being stuck on an island for that matter - with seven others (who are all chosen because of obvious likelihood of drama and intrigue!), surrounded by cameras is not "normal".
And most people don't end up marrying a fortune and spending their lives buying clothes!
And generally things shown on TV are edited. It is not reality!!

It's horrifying how so many unreal things are constantly portrayed as real, not just in TV.

That's why I love fiction. It's so obviously fictional.
 - And it can still have real meanings and consequences for each of us.

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