Sunday, December 5, 2010

The preaching and the practicing

Just the other day I was preaching to my friend how sometimes there is nothing to do but just accept the given situation and take it from there.
Accept that it sucks, and try to make things work as well as possible.

As always, I am unable to practice what I preach.

The ways of the university (ways that I, obviously, cannot change...) get in the way of my studying and my learning.
Whether that is just because I'm so strange - or if the university ought to make more room for individuality - is another discussion.
I love studying biology. So if I could have things my way I would learn everything there is to know - and enjoy it!
However, my situation does not allow that. It's just not how things are. Period.

Instead of accepting that a university study is very time-limited and set up around restricted procedures and rules - and dealing with the fact that this prevents me from having things my way! - I protest and attempt to do what really is impossible (for me at least).
don't  "just accept the given situation and take it from there. Accept that it sucks, and try to make things work as well as possible".
I stress out and push myself to the limit and beyond, and I end up in the same emotional mess as always.

You would think I would learn eventually, right?...


  1. I wonder if it does help me.... Writing it down, all this stuff...

  2. It does. Mayby not right now. But later on in life. However I think it might have allready helped you without you knowing, if that make sense? And one day you will look back at this and think :Thank God I don't feel like this anymore.
