And I have just stumbled upon one of those things.
Asocial as I am, I have acquired a pen pal (if you can still call it that when there are no actual pens involved. Just computer keyboards...) Not the kind of pen pal I've never met, but someone far far away.
Now, I don't know if it is because of my otherwise very slow social life, but for some reason writing short letters about nothing and everything actually makes a huge difference to me.
It is the "nothing and everything"-part that I find interesting. It really does not have to be long heartfelt letters about love, hate, life, death, and truth. For example, here is what I wrote to her today:
I think it is so cool that you get to work at that lab! Very awesome!
So what will you be working with there??
Here, the winter is so on its way... It is getting really really cold and dark! If feel like it has come very sudden and early this year, but then again.... I sometimes think that the changing of seasons might just be one of those things that we always remember incorrectly... Like your mind plays some kind of trick on you in order to adjust or to be able to cope with some things. If for example you don't like dark and cold weather, it is much easier to deal with it if you believe that it is only for a very short time - even though it is totally not and you ought to know this because you've experienced it so many times now! I don't know.... Oops, gone into "ramble-and let your-mind-go-wherever-it-wants-mode" here :)
Anyways, how was the hiking in the forest? Are your forests just like ours? (if you ever went to a forest here??) I mean, is it the same kind of vegetation and stuff? I love the forests (even more) in the fall! Fantastic - in the real fantasy/unbelievable/is-this-my-imagination??-sort-of-way meaning of the word :)
Sorry if I'm creating kinda weird sentences here... Just got home from a long day at work and I'm exhausted!
Should probably shut my mind off with a movie or something.
Have a nice Sunday!
So what will you be working with there??
Here, the winter is so on its way... It is getting really really cold and dark! If feel like it has come very sudden and early this year, but then again.... I sometimes think that the changing of seasons might just be one of those things that we always remember incorrectly... Like your mind plays some kind of trick on you in order to adjust or to be able to cope with some things. If for example you don't like dark and cold weather, it is much easier to deal with it if you believe that it is only for a very short time - even though it is totally not and you ought to know this because you've experienced it so many times now! I don't know.... Oops, gone into "ramble-and let your-mind-go-wherever-it-wants-mode" here :)
Anyways, how was the hiking in the forest? Are your forests just like ours? (if you ever went to a forest here??) I mean, is it the same kind of vegetation and stuff? I love the forests (even more) in the fall! Fantastic - in the real fantasy/unbelievable/is-this-my-imagination??-sort-of-way meaning of the word :)
Sorry if I'm creating kinda weird sentences here... Just got home from a long day at work and I'm exhausted!
Should probably shut my mind off with a movie or something.
Have a nice Sunday!
So it's really just: Hi how are you? Here is what I am thinking right now! (which, obviously, is not always deep mind-blowing thoughts)
But somehow it seems to be a great relief or outlet for me... And I am thinking that it could be because this is precisely what I am normally unable to do around most people. Relax and be myself! And not turn every word and sentence around in my mind - and approve it - before I (maybe!) let it out through my mouth. Somehow it seems less frightening to write it than it does to actually say it (I admit, it might be because i get to see it and approve it before i press "send"... but had it been a verbal conversation then I probably would not have said it at all.)
Same thing with this blog of mine. For some reason it is easier for me to write stuff down than to form the words and let others hear them. Maybe it is simply because I am alone when I write.... Nobody is looking at me, listening, judging...
Anyways, this blog post was supposed to be a really really short one. I really just wanted to mention how small things can seem insignificant but actually be pretty damned important, But somehow I can't really stop when I start writing down my thoughts. Maybe that is one of the consequences of being introvert and quiet...? However, I will now stop. Just like that. Well, not really then. But almost. Right... bye - or something like that...
Don't. Ever. Stop. (Just. Like. That.)
ReplyDeleteMiss you!
Hvor jeg hader at tage mig selv i at ville trykke "like" på andre sider.... Beviser hvor meget tid jeg bruger på facebook!
ReplyDeleteMen anyways, LIKE your comment :)
Hugs!! <3