This is an atheist rant. You have been warned.
When I wrote it, I was angry, annoyed, and provoked. Hence, the extreme amounts of all caps.
I had decided not to post this, but now I did post it. Remember - angry rant! Not everything that comes out during a rant makes sense. Also, I can't be bothered to explain it, so I'll just give you the raw rant:
It is faith! The one thing that bothers me is when people won't just accept that it is about FAITH, and therefore you cannot prove it. You can discuss the truths and rights and wrongs of your faith, as long as you make it clear that it is a faith! My problem is when people try to PROVE that their faith is true....
In science, first of all, proof, evidence, laws, all that - it's not the infinite, overall, universal, indisputable truth. It is what we conclude must be true, based on everything we know, and IT CAN be disputed in the future if we make new discoveries that change the way we view things.
Science is systematized. It consists of different methods and definitions which we use to make sure that we are discussing the same things with the same preconceptions and understandings.
SO, you cannot scientifically prove something WITHOUT THE SCIENCE. You can't just pick and choose the parts of science you like. (Of course you can disagree with a specific method or how it is used - as long as you have scientific arguments for it). And you cannot disprove any scientific notion or concept with anything other that SCIENCE. If you want to discuss science, you use science. Not the bible. And not your own definition of right and wrong or good and bad. NOT your faith.
I once heard a creationist argue that there was no way the evolution theory could be true because the whole idea of "survival of the fittest" was just evil..... (?!!!?)
(I'm not gonna comment on that because the arguments of creationists happens to be a pet peeve of mine, and once I start complaining, I can't stop.)
I have no problem with people believing in something I don't understand and don't see how could be possible, but I do have a problem with people not accepting that faith is one thing and science is a completely different thing. Faith is faith. It's something you believe. Personally.
Science is about investigating and explaining what seems to be. It is NOT something personal.
You are also allowed to completely disagree with every scientific method. But then I don't really know what you would base anything in your daily life on.