Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Whaaat?? A blog post????

Whoa whoa whoa, wait! What's this? Nicci is actually blogging?? Alert the Daily Prophet!
Yeah, I know... I should probably just admit the decline in my blogging frequency, and accept that this is the current reality. Right?

So. I hereby state that I will no longer be contributing regularly to this blog.
This way I won't feel guilty about my absence and I won't feel the need to start every post with an apology. Also, eliminating expectations usually makes me more productive.

So, what special occasion is causing me to stop by here?
Well, I have nothing better to do. I've been lucky enough to acquire laryngitis, so I'm kinda confined to my bed. Which is killing me. The only positive side of this situation is that I have an excuse for watching Bones all day. Not saying it's a very valid excuse, but it is indeed an excuse!

Well, as you might already have guessed, I have absolutely no point to make here. I am simply just complaining about being sick. I've been spamming twitter and facebook a bit with my complaints and I figured I would put it here in my personal zone instead. (That's right, this is my personal zone, and you are welcome to hang out here. That's a big deal!) I find that it usually helps me to kind of "state" things here. It's like once I've published it here in my zone, I've basically dealt with it and I no longer need to keep it on repeat in my mind.

Thus, I leave you know with a pointless blog post, and I don't feel bad about it 'cause this is MY blog, my zone.

Oy with the poodles already!

P.S. On a life update note... I'm taking half of this semester off, so I'm not starting school until later this month. It does mean that I'll be a bit behind, but that won't be a problem.
I just needed some extra time to get on top of this summer. I miss my dad a lot!

No idea... Feel free to suggest funny captions!

Monday, October 3, 2011


September is over. And I did succeed at making a video every single day. I'm proud.
So really this post is just an "I'm baaaack" post. And I will now try to get back into blogging somewhat frequently. Or something.
(I'll let you in on a secret here... I had to correct that sentence. I had actually typed in 'Vlogging' instead of 'Blogging'... *Facepalm* I am obviously damaged!)
I do miss the writing and rambling and letting my mind go wherever it wants and get it all out.
But I must say, I have discovered the joy of vlogging. Even though I (as always) kind of dislike being "one of those" and being typical and predictable. But hell, I'm a human being. It's inevitable. And vlogging is also a bit more exposing than blogging, which I think is good for me!

So to sum it up... Hi again there, blog of mine! I have missed you a lot. But you are no longer my only best non-human friend. You'll have to share that title with my camera. See you soon!

Today's quote: "Where did all the anvils go??" - Lorelai Victoria Gilmore
Today's song: Where you lead I will follow - Carole King
Today's link: Where did all the anvils go?? (This show is seriously my absolute favorite EVER)
Today's shot: